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Forging Seminar Day 1  28th May 2016


Sensei Mc Dowell Kicked of his return to teaching with a five-hour seminar, never one to worry about the clock, he spent three and a half hours of technical discussion before physical work was applied. 


“I wanted to explain in simple terms the difference between fact and fiction. For me as an instructor I was pleased with the response. My blunt way of teaching is often ignored to the point of deaf ears. Far too many people just don’t want to listen to the facts. Let me put it this way - some 40% of modern karate is a complete waste of time - FACT not bull - FACT.  

I admire some of the senior people who set aside their own training history to listen and discuss.  In summary we now have a solid class heading down a path that I am proud to stand on.  My teachers will be smiling from the dojo in the sky - All is not lost!”

The next class will be on June 26th  - Details.

A fine collection of Budoka

A fine collection of Budoka

Mixing It

Mixing It



Traditional Bull V's Reality

Traditional Bull V's Reality



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